procedure from the active flight plan. If the KLN 94 was in the
approach arm or the approach active mode, then deleting the
approach will cause the KLN 94 to change back to en route mode.
This means that the CDI scale factor will change back to the default
±5.0 NM scale.
Now that you know the basics of inserting an approach into the flight plan,
we can now show the approach operation of the unit by using examples of
actual approaches. There are four basic categories of GPS approach. Or
more specifically, there are four basic procedures used to get established
inbound to the final approach fix (FAF):
• No procedure turn
• Radar vectors to the FAF inbound course
• A course reversal (procedure turn or holding pattern)
• DME arc
GPS approaches for the four categories are the same from the FAF to the
missed approach point (MAP). Examples of each of these categories of
approach will now be presented. More detail is included in the first exam-
ple so read it first.
NOTE: If necessary for visual clarity during an approach, declutter Land
and Aero from the map by using the E button (section or the
SET 7 and SET 8 pages (sections and
The KLN 94 will remain in the familiar Leg mode for this category of
approach from the IAF to the MAP so there will be no need to change
between Leg and OBS. The RNAV 17 approach at KIXD (figure 6-21) is
an example of the classic “T” approach utilizing terminal arrival areas
(TAA) where there is normally no procedure turn required to get estab-
lished on the inbound course to the FAF. This is the approach that was
loaded into the flight plan in section 6.2.3. Another example of where no
procedure turn is required is shown in the NDB or GPS 15 approach at
KMSV (figure 6-22). No procedure turn is required when arriving from the
Hancock (HNK) VOR IAF according to the “NoPT” nomenclature on the
We will use the RNAV 17 approach at KIXD as an example to show how
the KLN 94 sequences through an approach and what type of annuncia-
tions and scale factor changes can be expected. Refer to the approach
KLN 94 Pilot’s Guide Chapter 6 Approaches and DP/STARs