For this example assume that the aircraft is approaching KMSA from the
1. Approximately 40 NM from the airport, load the approach using the
procedure described in section 6.2.3.
2. When the distance from the present position to the destination airport
reaches 30 NM, the KLN 94 will automatically arm the approach
mode. The CDI scale factor will transition to ±1.0 NM and the KLN 94
will provide tighter integrity monitoring. You also press A to update
the barometric information.
3. About 15 NM out you are cleared Direct MSA, cleared for the NDB or
GPS 35 approach. From the Nav 4 map page you pull the right inner
knob out and turn the knob to display MSAi, the IAF. Note that MSA
is also used for the missed approach point (MAP) and the missed
approach holding point so if MSAm or MSAh is displayed you’ve got
the wrong waypoint! With the knob out, press D to bring up the
Direct To page with MSAi already displayed and then press F to
proceed direct to the IAF.
4. When the aircraft is 4 NM from the MSA IAF, the KLN 94 will give a
message reminding you to select the OBS mode. Press the H but-
ton to select the OBS mode. The OBS mode is required for the
procedure turn. After passing MSA, select the outbound course of
180° on the external CDI or HSI.
5. The aircraft is now headed outbound for the procedure turn. As soon
a practical, you will need to change the active waypoint to HOWFA,
the final approach fix. From the map page this is done by pulling out
on the right inner knob and scan-
ning until HOWFA is displayed in
the window (figure 6-44). Then
press D and then press F.
The OBS course will still be what
is selected on the external CDI
or HSI, 180°.
NOTE: HOWFA was added as an FAF for using GPS receivers for this
approach. The basic NDB approach has no FAF. On some approaches
like this one where the IAF is based on a navaid on the airport, the FAF is
identified by nomenclature such as “FF35” instead of a 5 letter waypoint
6. With the OBS mode selected and HOWFA as the active waypoint, it is
possible to fly the procedure turn.
Chapter 6 Approaches and DP/STARs
Figure 6-44