3. When the list of DP or STAR waypoints is displayed, the bottom of the
page will now show REPL FPL 0 DP? for a DP or REPL FPL 0
STAR? for a STAR. Press F to replace the DP or STAR in FPL 0.
To illustrate the use of the KLN 94 with a DP, the Porte Three departure
loaded into the flight plan in section 6.3.1 will be used. Remember that
“RW01B” was selected meaning that the procedure is applicable to both
runways 1L and 1R. The Fellows (FLW) transition was also selected. This
procedure is one of the more difficult that you may encounter. Most pro-
cedures are not this difficult, but this DP serves as a good example for
what steps to take when you encounter a difficult procedure.
To fly this procedure use the following steps and refer to the chart for this
DP (figure 6-72):
1. Load the DP as described in section 6.3.1.
2. The procedure states “Intercept and proceed via SFO R-350, cross
the 4 DME fix at or above 1600’...”. To accomplish this portion of the
DP, put the KLN 94 into the OBS mode with SFO as the active way-
point and make 350° the selected course on the external Nav
indicator. It is easiest to accomplish these steps before take-off. After
take-off intercept the SFO 350° radial and climb to 1600’ as required
by the DP.
3. Once the aircraft reaches the SFO 4 DME fix, turn left to a heading of
200°. At this point it is necessary to manually change the active way-
point to “PORTE”. This is done easily from either the NAV 4 page or
from the FPL 0 page. In either case, once PORTE is highlighted by
the cursor, press D to bring up the direct to page.
4. Press F to confirm PORTE as the direct to waypoint.
5. Change the selected course on the HSI or CDI to the new value of
135°. As required by the DP, continue flying a heading of 200° until
the HSI or CDI needle centers and then fly to keep the needle cen-
tered and fly to PORTE.
6. Before reaching PORTE, change back to the Leg mode to enable
automatic waypoint sequencing. Once the aircraft reaches PORTE
the KLN 94 will automatically sequence to the next waypoint, PESCA.
7. After passing PESCA, the procedure calls for a 090° heading until
intercepting the 116° course to WAGES intersection. To do this with
the KLN 94, change back to the OBS mode and make sure that
WAGES is the active waypoint. Set the selected course to 116° on the
KLN 94 Pilot’s Guide Chapter 6 Approaches and DP/STARs