Nrst - (No Nearest) Appears when the pilot selects a nearest list (APT,
VOR, NDB, INT, USR, SUA, FSS or CTR), and there are no nearest items
of that type within a 200 nm radius of the aircraft’s present position.
No Such
Wpt - (No Such Waypoint) Appears when there is no waypoint in the data-
base corresponding to the entered identifier on the Supplemental
Waypoint page.
No Wpt
Page - (No waypoint page) Appears when an approach, DP or STAR
waypoint is displayed in the waypoint scan window of the NAV 4 page and
the F button is pressed. For waypoints that are not part of an approach,
a waypoint page is displayed when the F button is pressed but this fea-
ture is not available for approach, DP and STAR waypoints. (ORS 02 and
Not an Apt — (Not an airport) Appears when you manually enter a way-
point identifier on the Procedure (PROC) 2 page which is not an airport.
Full - (Remarks Full) Appears when you attempt to create a user-entered
Airport or Supplemental Waypoint remark on the APT 6 or SUP 3 page if
100 user-entered remarks already exist. In order to create additional air-
port remarks, some existing remarks must be deleted on the AUX 12
In Fpl - (Used in Flight Plan) Appears when you attempt to delete a user-
defined waypoint on the AUX 12 page if the waypoint is used in a flight
plan. Either this waypoint must be deleted from the flight plan or the entire
flight plan must be deleted before this waypoint can be deleted from the
user-defined waypoint list.
Full - (User Database Full) Appears when you attempt to create a user-
defined waypoint if the user database already contains 500 waypoints. In
order to create additional user-defined waypoints, it will first be necessary
to delete existing user-defined waypoints on the AUX 12 page.
KLN 94 Pilot’s Guide Appendix C Scratchpad Messages