
NOTE: If the KLN 94 is in the Take-Home mode, you are allowed to enter
the groundspeed (kt) and heading (°) fields in order to simulate flight (fig-
ure 3-60). They are not used for actual initialization in an aircraft.
However, entering a groundspeed
will allow the KLN 94 to “fly” along
the active flight plan (or to a direct to
waypoint) starting from the initializa-
tion waypoint. A heading may be
entered in the initial heading field
while in the Take-Home mode if the
one offered is not desired. See section 3.16 for more details on the Take-
Home mode.
7. Select the NAV 2 page. When the KLN 94 reaches the NAV ready
status and is therefore able to navigate, the NAV 2 page will display
the present position. Verify that the latitude and longitude or the way-
point, radial, and distance display of present position are correct.
There are five types of waypoints: airports, VORs, NDBs, intersections,
and user waypoints. Waypoints in the published database fall into one of
the first four types. You can create up to 500 user waypoints to supple-
ment the waypoints in the database (see section 5.4 to create a user
There are three methods you may use to select a specific waypoint for
viewing. You may enter the waypoint’s identifier directly, you may scan
through the waypoint identifiers in alphabetical order, or you may enter the
waypoint’s name. If the waypoint is an airport, you may also select it by
entering the city where the airport is located.
The most direct way of selecting a specific waypoint is to simply enter the
waypoint’s identifier directly on the appropriate waypoint page type (APT,
for example). Let’s use Chicago O’Hare International Airport whose iden-
tifier is KORD as an example.
To select a waypoint by identifier from a waypoint page:
1. Use the right outer and inner
knobs to select the Airport 1
(APT 1) page (figure 3-61).
(Actually, the airport identifier
can be entered on any of the
KLN 94 Pilot’s Guide Chapter 3 Basic GPS Operation
Figure 3-60
Figure 3-61