
Lines 2-3: The latitude and longitude of the intersection.
Line 4: The magnetic bearing to or the magnetic radial from the user-
defined waypoint and the distance. Placing the cursor over the
radial/bearing field and turning the right inner knob changes it between
radial from and bearing to the station. The Intersection 2 (INT 2) Page
See figure 3-170.
Line 1: The intersection identifier, preceded by an arrow if it is the active
waypoint. If the waypoint is a DME the letters “DME” appear to the right of
the identifier.
Line 2: The identifier of the intersection’s reference waypoint. When this
page is first viewed, the reference waypoint is the nearest VOR to the
intersection. The reference waypoint may be changed by the pilot to any
waypoint (published or user-defined). However, once you leave this page
and come back, the reference waypoint reverts back to a nearby VOR.
Line 3: The magnetic radial from the reference waypoint to the intersec-
Line 4: The distance from the reference waypoint to the intersection.
The User waypoint pages (USR 0, USR 1, USR 2, and USR 3) allow you
to create “custom” waypoints for use in navigation. A crop sprayer might
want to create a waypoint on a field that is sprayed regularly, for instance.
Another candidate might be a small private airport which is not included in
the KLN 94 database. To learn how to create a user-defined waypoint,
see section 5.4. The User 0 (USR 0) Page
See figure 3-172.
NOTE: The USR 0 page is only dis-
played for waypoint identifiers that do
not have a previously defined posi-
Line 1: The identifier for the as-yet-undefined waypoint.
Lines 2-4: Cursor fields for the three possible user-defined waypoint cre-
ation methods. For information on creating user-defined waypoints, see
section 5.4.
KLN 94 Pilot’s Guide Chapter 3 Basic GPS Operation
Figure 3-172