and headphones. Or the KLN 94 may be interfaced with an external tone
generator installed in the aircraft.
In order to use altitude alerting, the KLN 94 must have an altitude input. If
the altitude input is from an altitude encoder or from an air data computer
not having a baro altitude output, then it will be necessary for you to man-
ually input the proper altimeter setting in order to get accurate alerting.
Remember, the altitude coming from an encoder is pressure altitude and
must be corrected with the proper altimeter setting to convert to actual alti-
tude. This altimeter setting is easily accomplished by entering the
altimeter baro setting on the Altitude (ALT) 1 page. Press A twice more
to return to the page previously displayed. It’s so easy you have no excus-
es for not keeping the baro setting updated!
CAUTION: The altitude alerting feature will only be accurate if the
altimeter baro correction is kept updated. If altitude alerting is used,
it is a good idea to update the altimeter baro set on the ALT 1 page
each time you make a change to the aircraft’s altimeter setting.
NOTE: The altitude alerting feature can be disabled in the KLN 94 at the
time of installation so that these features are not selectable by the pilot.
When this has been done, the SET 13 page displays Feature Disabled.
You may create and store up to 500 user-defined waypoints. These way-
points will be very helpful to you. One major application is private use
airstrips, which are not included in the Jeppesen database. They are also
handy for points which you fly over frequently, and wish to navigate to. For
example, a crop sprayer would want to store the locations of the fields he
or she dusts often.
There are three ways to create a user-defined waypoint. If you happen to
know the latitude and longitude of the point, that is one option. The way-
point can also be defined as a radial and distance from another waypoint.
A third choice is just to store your present position under the identifier you
have chosen.
NOTE: Whenever you are in a waypoint entry situation, such as a Direct
To waypoint or flight plan, and you enter an identifier which is not in the
database, the KLN 94 will automatically start the user-defined waypoint
creation process.
To delete a user-defined waypoint that is no longer needed, see section
5.11. “Viewing and Deleting User Waypoints and Waypoint Remarks”.
KLN 94 Pilot’s Guide Chapter 5 Intermediate Operation