8: Device Ports
SLBâ„¢ Branch Office Manager User Guide 105
2. Change the following as desired:
The speed with which the device port exchanges data with the
attached serial device.
From the drop-down list, select the baud rate. Most devices use 9600
for the administration port, so the console port defaults to this value.
Data Bits
Number of data bits used to transmit a character. From the drop-down
list, select the number of data bits. The default is 8 data bits.
Stop Bits
The number of stop bits that indicate that a byte of data has been
transmitted. From the drop-down list, select the number of stop bits.
The default is 1.
Parity checking is a rudimentary method of detecting simple, single-bit
errors. From the drop-down list, select the parity. The default is none.
Flow Control
A method of preventing buffer overflow and loss of data. The available
methods include none, xon/xoff (software), and RTS/CTS (hardware).
The default is none.
The number of minutes (1-30) after which an idle session on the
console is automatically logged out. Disabled by default.
If selected, when you connect to the console port with a terminal
emulator, you will see the last lines output to the console, for example,
the SLB boot messages or the last lines output during a CLI session
on the console.
3. Click the Apply button to save the changes.
Console Port Commands
The following CLI commands correspond to the web page entries described above.