11: User Authentication
SLBâ„¢ Branch Office Manager User Guide 149
To configure the SLB branch office manager to use NIS to authenticate users who
log in via the Web, SSH, Telnet, or the console port:
set nis <one or more parameters>
accessoutlets <Outlet List>
breakseq <1-10 Chars>
broadcast <enable|disable>
clearports <Port List>
dataports <Port List>
domain <NIS Domain Name>
escapeseq <1-10 Chars>
listenports <Port List>
master <IP Address or Hostname>
slave1 <IP Address or Hostname>
slave2 <IP Address or Hostname>
slave3 <IP Address or Hostname>
slave4 <IP Address or Hostname>
slave5 <IP Address or Hostname>
state <enable|disable>
To set group and permissions for NIS users:
set nis group <default|power|admin>
To set permissions for NIS users not already defined by the user rights group:
set nis permissions <Permission List>
<Permission List> is one or more of nt, sv, dt, lu, ra, sk, um, dp,
pc, rs, rc, dr, wb, sn, ad
To remove a permission, type a minus sign before the two-letter abbreviation for a user
To set a default custom menu for NIS users:
set nis custommenu <Menu Name>
To view NIS settings:
show nis
The system administrator can configure the SLB branch office manager to use LDAP to
authenticate users attempting to log in using the Web, Telnet, SSH, or the console port.