13: Application Examples
SLBâ„¢ Branch Office Manager User Guide 209
2. Configure the device port that is connected to the console port of the Sun UNIX
[SLB]> set deviceport port 2 baud 57600 flowcontrol none
Device Port settings successfully updated.
3. Dial into the SLB branch office manager via the modem using a terminal emulation
program on a remote PC. A command line prompt displays.
4. Log into the SLB device.
Welcome to the SLB
login: sysadmin
Welcome to the SLB Branch Office Manager
Model Number: SLB48
For a list of commands, type 'help'.
5. Connect to the SUN Unix server using the direct command.
[SLB]> connect direct deviceport 2
SunOS 5.7
login: frank
Last login: Wed Jul 14 16:07:49 from computer
Sun Microsystems Inc. SunOS 5.7 Generic October 1998
SunOS computer 5.7 Generic_123485-05 sun4m sparc SUNW,SPARCstation-20
6. Use the escape sequence to escape from direct mode back to the command line