8: Device Ports
SLBâ„¢ Branch Office Manager User Guide 96
To view the settings for one or more device ports:
show deviceport port <Device Port List or Name>
To view a list of all device port names:
To view the modes and states of one or more device port(s):
You can optionally email the displayed information.
show portstatus [deviceport <Device Port List or Name>] [email
To view device port statistics and errors for one or more ports:
You can optionally email the displayed information.
show portcounters [deviceport <Device Port List or Name>]
To zero the port counters for one or more device ports:
show portcounters zerocounters <Device Port List or Name>
Device Commands
The following CLI commands correspond to the web page entries described above.
To send commands to (or control) a device connected to an SLB device port
over the serial port:
Note: Currently the only devices supported for this type of interaction are the SLP
and Sensorsoft devices.
set command <Device Port # or Name or List> <one or more
slp auth login <User Login>
Establishes the authentication information to log into the SLP power
manager attached to the device port.
slp restart
Issues the CLI command the SLP
power manager uses to restart
slp outletcontrol state <on|off|cyclepower>
[outlet <Outlet #>][tower <A|B>]
Outlet # is 1-8 for SLP8
power manager and 1-16 for SLP16 power
The outletcontrol parameters control individual outlets.
slp outletstate [outlet <Outlet #>]
The outletstate parameter shows the state of all outlets or a