
11: User Authentication
SLBâ„¢ Branch Office Manager User Guide 177
__Custom User Menus___________________________________________________________
Menu: menu2
Title: Menu2 Title
Show Nicknames: disabled
Redisplay Menu: disabled
Command 1: connect direct deviceport 3
Nickname 1: <none>
Command 2: connect direct deviceport 4
Nickname 2: <none>
Command 3: show datetime
Nickname 3: <none>
Command 4: returnmenu
Nickname 4: <none>
Command 5: logout
Nickname 5: <none>
The system administrator 4 configures local user 'john' to use custom menu 'menu1':
[SLB]> set localusers edit john custommenu menu1
Local users settings successfully updated.
[SLB]> show localusers user john
___Current Local Users Settings________________________________________________
Login: john
Password: <set> UID: 101
Listen Ports: 1-32
Data Ports: 1-32
Clear Ports: 1-32
Escape Sequence: \x1bA Break Sequence: \x1bB
Custom Menu: menu1
Allow Dialback: disabled
Dialback Number: <none>
User 'john ' logs into the command line interface, initially sees menu1, executes the
command to jump to nested menu menu2, and then returns to menu1:
Welcome to the SLB Branch Office Manager
Model Number: SLB32
For a list of commands, type 'help'.
[Enter 1-4]> help
Menu1 Title
1) connect Port-1 3) menu2
2) connect Port-2 4) log off
[Enter 1-4]> 3
Executing: showmenu menu2
[Enter 1-5]> help
Menu2 Title
1) connect direct deviceport 3
2) connect direct deviceport 4
3) show datetime
4) returnmenu
5) logout
[Enter 1-5]> 3
Executing: show datetime
Date/Time: Tue Sep 7 19:13:35 2004
Timezone: UTC
[Enter 1-5]> 4
Executing: returnmenu
[Enter 1-4]> help