12: Maintenance and Operation
SLBâ„¢ Branch Office Manager User Guide 190
To delete a saved configuration:
admin config delete <Config Name> location <default|cifs|pccard>
[pccardslot <upper|lower>]
To list the configurations saved to a location:
admin config show <default|ftp|sftp|nfs|cifs|pccard> [nfsdir <NFS
Mounted Dir>] [pccardslot <upper|lower>]
To run the quick setup script:
admin quicksetup
To import an SSL certificate, or reset the web server certificate to the default:
admin web certificate import via <sftp|scp> certfile <Certificate File>
privfile <Private Key File> host <IP Address or Name>
login <User Login> [path <Path to Files>]
To reset a web certificate:
admin web certificate reset
To show a web certificate:
admin web certificate show
To restart the program that controls the LCD:
admin lcd reset
System Logs
The System Logs page allows you to view various system logs. (See 7: Services for more
information about system logs.) You can also clear logs on this page.
To view system logs:
1. Click the Maintenance tab and select the System Logs option. The following
page displays: