
5: Web and Command Line Interfaces
SLB™ Branch Office Manager User Guide 45
Command Line Help
For general Help and to display the commands to which you have rights, type:
For general command line Help, type:
help command line
For more information about a specific command, type help followed by the command,
for example:
help set network or help admin firmware
Type enough characters to identify the action, category, or parameter name
uniquely. For parameter values, type the entire value. For example, you can
set network port 1 state static ipaddr mask
se net po 1 st static ip ma
Use the Tab key to automatically complete action, category, or parameter
names. Type a partial name and press Tab either to complete the name if
only one is possible, or to display the possible names if more than one is
possible. Following a space after the preceding name, Tab displays all
possible names.
Should you make a mistake while typing, backspace by pressing the
Backspace key and/or the Delete key, depending on how you accessed the
interface. Both keys work if you use VT100 emulation in your terminal access
program when connecting to the console port. Use the left and right arrow
keys to move within a command.
Use the up and down arrows to scroll through previously entered
commands. If desired, select one and edit it. You can scroll through up to
100 previous commands entered in the session.
To clear an IP address, type, or to clear a non-IP address value,
type CLEAR.
When the number of lines displayed by a command exceeds the size of the window (the
default is 25), the command output is halted until the user is ready to continue. To display
the next line, press Enter, and to display the page, press the space bar. You can override
the number of lines (or disable the feature altogether) with the set cli command.