
6: Basic Parameters
SLBâ„¢ Branch Office Manager User Guide 57
To map a rule set to a network interface:
1. On the IP Filter page, select the IP filter rule set to be mapped.
2. From the Interface drop-down list, select the interface and click the Map Ruleset
button. The Interface and rule set display in the IP Filter Mappings table.
To delete a mapping:
1. On the IP Filter page, select the mapping from the list and click the Delete
Mappings button. The mapping no longer displays.
2. Click the Apply button.
IP Filter Commands
The following CLI commands correspond to the web page entries described above.
To enable or disable IP filtering for incoming network traffic:
set ipfilter state
To set IP filter mapping:
set ipfilter mapping <parameters>
ethernet <1|2> state <disable>
ethernet <1|2> state <enable> ruleset <Ruleset Name>
deviceport <1..48> state <disable>
deviceport <1..48> state <enable> ruleset <Ruleset
pccardslot <upper|lower> state <disable>
pccardslot <upper|lower> state <enable> ruleset
<Ruleset Name>
To set IP filter rules:
set ipfilter rules <parameters>
add <Ruleset Name>
delete <Ruleset Name>
edit <Ruleset Name> <Edit Parameters>
Edit Parameters:
insert <Rule Number>
replace <Rule Number>
delete <Rule Number>