
8: Device Ports
SLB™ Branch Office Manager User Guide 91
Restart Delay
The number of seconds after the timeout and before the
SLB branch office manager attempts another connection.
The default is 30 seconds.
2. To save settings for just this port, click the Apply button.
3. To save selected settings to ports other than the one you are configuring:
a) From the Apply Settings drop-down box, select none, a group of settings, or
b) In to Device Ports, type the device port numbers, separated by commas;
indicate a range of port numbers with a hyphen (e.g., 2, 5, 7-10).
Note: It may take a few minutes for the system to apply the settings to multiple
Port Status and Counters
Port Counters describe the status of signals and interfaces. SLB branch office manager
updates and increments the port counters as signals change and data flows in and out of
the system. These counters help troubleshoot connections or diagnose problems
because they give the user an overview of the state of various parameters. By setting
them to zero and then re-checking them later, the user can view changes in status.
The chart in the middle of the page displays the flow control lines and port statistics for
the device port. The system automatically updates these values. To reset them to zeros,
select the Zero port counters checkbox in the IP Settings section of the page.
Note: Status and statistics shown on the web interface represent a snapshot in time. To
see the most recent data, you must reload the web page.
Device Ports SLP Power Manager
On the Device Ports SLP page, configure commands to send to an SLP power
manager or SLP expansion chassis that expands the number of power ports.