
6: Basic Parameters
SLB™ Branch Office Manager User Guide 54
Enabling IP Filters
On the IP Filter page, you can enable all filters or disable all filters.
Note: There is no way to enable or disable individual filters.
To enable IP filters:
1. Enter the following:
Enable IP Filter Select the Enable IP Filter checkbox to enable all filters,
or clear the checkbox to disable all filters. Disabled by
Packets Dropped
(view only)
Displays the number of data packets that the filter ignored
(did not respond to).
Packets Rejected
(view only)
Displays the number of data packets that the filter sent a
“rejected” response to.
Test Timer Timer for testing IP Filter rulesets. Select No to disable the
timer. Select Yes, minutes (1-120) to enable the timer and
enter the number of minutes the timer should run. The
timer automatically disables the IP Filters when the time
Time Remaining
(view only)
Indicates how many minutes are left on the timer before it
expires and IP Filters are disabled.
Configuring IP Filters
The administrator can add, edit, delete, and map IP filters.
Note: A configured filter has no effect until it is mapped to a network interface. See
Mapping a Rule Set on page 56.