
8: Device Ports
SLB™ Branch Office Manager User Guide 98
To connect to a device port to monitor and/or interact with it, or to establish an
outbound network connection:
connect direct <endpoint>
endpoint is one of:
deviceport <Port # or Name>
ssh <IP Address> [port <TCP Port>][<SSH flags>]
<SSH flags> is one or more of:
user <Login Name>
version <1|2>
command <Command to Execute>
tcp <IP Address> port <TCP Port>
telnet <IP Address> [port <TCP Port>]
udp <IP Address> port <UDP Port>
hostlist <Host List>
To escape from the connect direct command when the endpoint of the
command is deviceport, tcp, or udp and return to the command line
interface, type the escape sequence assigned to the currently logged in user. If
the endpoint is telnet or SSH, logging out returns the user to the command
line prompt.
To escape from the connect listen command, press any key.
Setting up a user with an escape sequence is optional. For any NIS, LDAP,
RADIUS, Kerberos, or TACACS+ user, or any local user who does not have an
escape sequence defined, the default escape sequence is Esc+A.
Device Ports Logging
The SLB products support port buffering of the data on the system's device ports as well
as notification of receiving data on a device port. Port logging is disabled by default. You
can enable more than one type of logging (local, NFS file, email/SNMP, or PC Card) at a
time. The buffer containing device port data is cleared when any type of logging is
Local Logging
If local logging is enabled, each device port stores 256 Kbytes (approximately 400
screens) of I/O data in a true FIFO buffer. You may view this data (in ASCII format) at the
CLI with the show locallog command or on the Device Ports Logging web page.
Buffered data is normally stored in RAM and is lost in the event of a power failure if it is
not logged using an NFS mount solution. If the buffer data overflows the buffer capacity,