14: Command Reference
SLBâ„¢ Branch Office Manager User Guide 239
slp outletcontrol state <on|off|cyclepower> [outlet <Outlet #>][tower
Outlet # is 1-8 for SLP8 power manager and 1-16 for SLP16 power manager.
The outletcontrol parameters control individual outlets.
slp outletstate [outlet <Outlet #>]
The outletstate parameter shows the state of all outlets or a single outlet.
slp envmon
Displays the environmental status (e.g., temperature and humidity) of the SLP power manager.
slp infeedstatus
Displays the infeed status and load of the SLP power manager.
slp system
Provides system information for the SLP power manager.
sensorsoft lowtemp <Low Temperature in C.>
Sets the lowest temperature permitted for the port.
sensorsoft hightemp <High Temperature in C.>
Sets the hightest temperature permitted for the port.
sensorsoft lowhumidity <Low Humidity %>
Sets the lowest humidity pemitted for the port.
sensorsoft highhumidity <High Humidity %>
Sets the lowest humidity permitted for the port.
sensorsoft traps <enable|disable>
Enables or disables traps when specified conditions are met.
sensorsoft status
Displays the status of the port.
Sends commands to (or control) a device connected to an SLB device port over the serial port.
Note: Currently the only devices supported for this type of interaction are the SLP and Sensorsoft
Device Port Commands
set deviceport port
set deviceport port <Device Port List or Name> <one or more device port
set deviceport port 2-5,6,12,15-16 baud 2400
auth <pap|chap>
banner <Banner Text>
baud <300-115200>
breakseq <1-10 Chars>