
Adjusting the radar image
You may be able to improve the radar image by adjusting the radar
sensitivity, and by filtering out the random echoes from sea and
weather conditions.
You can also adjust the image settings from the radar menu.
The gain controls the sensitivity of the radar receiver.
A higher gain makes the radar more sensitive to radar returns,
allowing it to display weaker targets. If the gain is set too high, the
image might be cluttered with background noise.
Gain has a manual and an automatic mode. You toggle between
automatic and manual mode in the slide bar.
Sea clutter
Sea clutter is used to filter the effect of random echo returns from
waves or rough water near the vessel.
When you increase Sea clutter, filtering the on-screen clutter caused
by the echoes of waves is reduced.
The system includes predefined Sea clutter settings for harbor and
offshore conditions, in addition to the manual mode where you can
adjust the settings. You select Sea clutter modes from the menu.
You can only adjust the Sea clutter value in manual mode.
Rain clutter
Rain clutter is used to reduce the effect of rain, snow or other
weather conditions on the radar image.
The value should not be increased too much as this may filter out
real targets.
Radar | HDS Gen3 Operator Manual