
Sirius view options
Shades of color are used to show precipitation type and intensity.
The darkest color indicates the highest intensity.
Precipitation type Color code
Rain From light green (light rain) - yellow -
orange - to dark red (heavy rain)
Snow Blue
Mixed Pink
Sea Surface Temperature (SST)
You can show the sea surface temperature as color shading or as
When color coding is selected, the SST color bar is shown on the left
side of the display.
You define how the color codes are used to identify sea surface
temperature. See "Adjusting color codes" on page 139.
Wave indication
Colors are used to indicate forecasted wave height. The highest
waves are dark red, while the lowest are blue.
You can define how the color codes are used to identify the wave
height. Refer to "Adjusting color codes" on page 139.
Weather icons
Several weather icons are available to show current or predicted
weather conditions. You can select an icon to display detailed
weather information.
Icon Description
City forecast
SiriusXMâ„¢ | HDS Gen3 Operator Manual