Creating a Man Overboard waypoint
If an emergency situation should occur, you can save a Man
Overboard (MOB) waypoint at the vessel’s current position by
pressing the Zoom In (+) and Zoom out (-) keys simultaneously.
When you activate the MOB function the following actions are
automatically performed:
• a MOB waypoint is saved at the vessel's position
• the display switches to a zoomed chart panel, centered on the
vessel's position
• the system displays navigation information back to the MOB
Multiple MOB waypoints are saved by repeatedly pressing the MOB
buttons. The vessel continues to show navigation information to
the initial MOB waypoint. Navigation to subsequent MOB waypoints
needs to be done manually.
Cancel navigation to MOB
The system continues to display navigational information towards
the MOB waypoint until you cancel the navigation from the menu.
Display MOB waypoint information
You can display MOB information by selecting the MOB waypoint
and then the MOB waypoint pop-up.
Basic operation | HDS Gen3 Operator Manual