A waypoint is used to mark a position you later may want to return
to. Two or more waypoints can also be combined to create a route.
Saving waypoints
You can save a waypoint at a selected location by positioning the
cursor on the panel, then selecting the new waypoint option in the
You can also save a waypoint by pressing the Waypoint key:
• Press once to display the New Waypoint dialog
• Press twice to quickly save a waypoint. If the cursor is active, the
waypoint is saved at the cursor position. If the cursor is not
active, the waypoint is saved at your vessel's position.
Moving a waypoint
1. Select the waypoint you want to move
The waypoint icon expands to indicate that it is active
2. Activate the menu and select the waypoint in the menu
3. Select the move option
4. Select the new waypoint position
5. Press the Enter key to confirm the new position.
The waypoint is now automatically saved at the new position.
Waypoints, Routes, and Trails | HDS Gen3 Operator Manual