Icon filters
By default, all targets are shown on the panel if an AIS device is
connected to the system.
You can select not to show any targets, or to filter the icons based
on security settings, distance, and vessel speed.
Course extension lines
You can set the length of the Course Over Ground (COG) extension
lines for other AIS vessels. The length of the extension lines is either
set as off, as a fixed distance, or to indicate the distance the vessel
will move in the selected time period. If Off is selected, then no COG
extension lines are shown for the vessel. For information about
extension lines for your vessel, refer to Vessel extension lines in "Chart
settings" on page 47.
Defining dangerous vessels
You can define an invisible guard zone around your vessel. When a
target comes within this distance, the symbol changes to the
“dangerous” target symbol. An alarm is triggered if activated in the
Alarm settings panel.
AIS | HDS Gen3 Operator Manual