Note: Selecting the proper fishing mode is critical to
optimal sonar performance. If you completed configuration
setup at initial startup, the proper fishing mode has already
been selected.
Fishing mode Depth Palette
General Use ≤ 1,000 ft White background
Shallow Water ≤ 60 ft White background
Fresh Water ≤ 400 ft White background
Deep Water ≤ 5,000 ft Deep Blue
Slow Trolling ≤ 400 ft White background
Fast Trolling ≤ 400 ft White background
Clear Water ≤ 400 ft White background
Ice Fishing ≤ 400 ft Ice fishing
Reset fishing mode
Resets selected fishing mode to default settings, allowing you to
clear settings adjustments made while using a fishing mode.
Log sonar
You can record sonar data. This option is also available from the
Advanced option in the Sonar menu. For more information, refer to
"Recording Sonar data" on page 68.
View Sonar log
Used to view sonar recordings stored internally or on a microSD
The log file is displayed as a paused image, and you control the
scrolling and display from the menu.
You can use the cursor on the image, measure distance, and set
view options as on a live sonar image. If more than one channel was
recorded in the selected sonar file, you can select which channel to
You exit the view function by selecting the X in the upper right
corner or by pressing the X key.
Sonar | HDS Gen3 Operator Manual