
Zooming a 3D chart
You zoom in and out on a 3D chart by using the zoom (+ or -)
buttons, or by using the + and - keys.
Chart overlay
Radar, Structure, and Weather information can be displayed as
overlay on your chart panel.
Note: Weather overlay is currently only available in the
United States.
When an overlay is selected, the chart menu expands to include
basic functions for the selected overlay.
Radar, Structure, and Weather functions are described in separate
sections in this manual.
Insight specific chart options
Orientation, Look ahead, 3D and Change to Navionics/
Change to Insight (previously described in this section) are
common for all chart types.
Chart imagery style
The charts can be displayed in three imagery styles.
2D mapping style Shaded relief No contours
Charts | HDS Gen3 Operator Manual