This option works only when the system is navigating an active
route. If you are not navigating an active route, the heading up
orientation is used until the navigation function is started.
Positioning the radar center
You can move the radar PPI (Plan Position Indicator) center to
different positions within the radar panel, and select how your
vessel symbol moves on the radar image.
Radar motion is indicated on the upper left corner of the radar panel
as either TM (True motion) or RM (Relative motion).
The radar position can only be changed when the radar is
Center Look ahead Custom offset
Default setting. The radar PPI center is centered on the radar panel.
Look Ahead
Moves the radar PPI center to the bottom of the panel to maximize
the view ahead.
Allows you to move the PPI center to any location on the radar
1. Select the offset option from the menu
2. Move the cursor to where you want to position the radar center
3. Confirm the setting by selecting the save offset option in the
Radar | HDS Gen3 Operator Manual