Provides the option to enable the siren. It also provides a dialog
where you specify turning on alarms for items, and includes active
alarm information and alarm history.
Provides setup of units of measure used on various data types.
Provides dialogs where you set remote controllers, view wireless
devices, and customize advanced settings. For more information
about using this panel, refer to the Installation Manual.
Provides information about your network, settings options, and
configuration options. For more information about using this panel,
refer to the Installation Manual.
Provides dialogs where you define your vessel's MMSI, set icon
filters, set course extension length, and specify dangerous vessels
settings of closest point of approach and time to closest point of
approach. For more information about using this panel, refer to
"Vessel settings" on page 124.
Provides for manually controlling the simulator. For more
information, refer to "Simulator" on page 94.
Status listing
List of all AIS, MARPA, and DSC vessels with available information.
Message listing
List of all messages received from other AIS vessels with time stamp.
Tools | HDS Gen3 Operator Manual