Navionics view options
Chart shading
Shading adds terrain information to the chart.
Navionics dynamic tide and current icons
Shows tides and currents with a gauge and an arrow instead of the
diamond icons used for static tides and current information.
The tide and current data available in Navionics charts are related to
a specific date and time. The system animates the arrows and/or
gauges to show the tides and currents evolution over time.
Dynamic tide information Dynamic current information
The following icons and symbology are used:
Icons Description
Current speed.
The arrow length depends on the rate, and the
symbol is rotated according to flow direction. Flow
rate is shown inside the arrow symbol.
The red symbol is used when current speed is
increasing, and the blue symbol is used when
current speed is decreasing.
Tide height.
The gauge has 8 labels and is set according to
absolute max/min value of the evaluated day.
The red arrow is used when tide is rising, and the
blue arrow is used when tide is falling.
Charts | HDS Gen3 Operator Manual