Tracking MARPA targets
1. Position the cursor on the target on the radar image
2. Select Acquire targets from the menu
3. Repeat the process if you want to track more targets
After your targets are identified, it may take up to 10 radar sweeps
to acquire and then track the target.
Cancelling MARPA target tracking
When targets are being tracked, the radar menu expands to include
options for cancelling individual targets or to stop the tracking
Cancel tracking individual targets by selecting the target icon and
then selecting Cancel target on the menu.
Viewing MARPA target information
Detailed information for MARPA targets can be displayed. Select the
desired target and then either select the target pop-up, or select
Target details in the menu.
MARPA alarm settings
You can define the following MARPA alarms:
Alarm ID Description
MARPA target
Controls whether an alarm is activated when a
MARPA target is lost
Radar | HDS Gen3 Operator Manual