
Positioning the vessel on the chart panel
Chart orientation
Several options are available for how the chart is rotated in the
panel. The chart orientation symbol in the panel’s upper right
corner indicates the north direction.
North up Heading up Course up
North up
Displays the chart with north upward.
Heading up
Displays the chart with the vessel’s heading directed upward.
Heading information is received from a compass. If heading is not
available, then the COG from the GPS is used.
Course up
Rotates the chart in the direction of the next waypoint when
navigating a route or navigating to a waypoint. If not navigating the
heading up orientation is used until navigation is started.
Look ahead
Moves the vessel icon closer to the bottom of the screen so that
you can maximize your view ahead.
Displaying information about chart items
When you select a chart item, a waypoint, a route or a target, basic
information for the selected item is displayed. Select the chart item's
pop-up to display all available information for that item. You can
also activate the detailed information dialog from the menu.
Note: Pop-up information has to be enabled in chart
settings to see basic item information.
Charts | HDS Gen3 Operator Manual