To improve the recognition success rate when
Alternate Command Mode is active, try usingthe
Speaker Adaptation Function available in that
mode. See“Speaker Adaptation Function”inthis
section.Otherwise, itisrecommended thatAlter-
nateCommandModebe turnedoffandStandard
Mode be used for the best recognition perfor-
While using the NISSAN Voice Recognition sys-
tem for certain Phone and Navigation features,
you can switch to using manual controls (touch-
screen,steering wheelcontrols) andthe informa-
tionyou havealreadyentered byvoice controlwill
be retained. To switch to manual controls, select
the “Manual Controls”key on the display when it
appears. The system will respond by speaking
“Changing to manual operation. Please use
manual controls to continue.”
For the voice commands for the navigation sys-
tem, refer to the Navigation System Owner’s
Manual of your vehicle.
Forvehiclesin theU.S.,the factorydefault setting
is the Standard Mode. See “NISSAN Voice Rec-
ognition Standard Mode”in this section. For ve-
hicles inCanada, thefactory defaultsetting isthe
Alternate Command Mode. See “NISSAN Voice
Recognition Alternate Command Mode” in this
The Standard Mode enables control of naviga-
tion, phone and vehicle information. With this
setting active, commands that are available are
always shown on the display and announced by
the system.
Displaying user guide
If youuse theNISSAN VoiceRecognition system
for the first time or you do not know how to
operate it, you can display the User Guide for
You can confirm how to use voice commands by
accessing a simplified User Guide, which con-
tains basic instructions and tutorials for several
voice commands.
1. Press the INFO button on the instrument
2. Select the “Others”key.
3. Select the “Voice Recognition” key.
You can skip steps 1 to 3 by pressing
switch and saying “Help”.
4. Select the “User Guide” key.
5. Select an item.
Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-111