1. Apply the parking brake.
2. Move the shift selector to P (Park).
The Hybrid System is designed not to
operate ifthe shiftselector isnot inthe
P (Park) position.
3. Place the ignition switch in the ON position.
Depress the brake pedal and push the igni-
tion switch to start the Hybrid System. The
READY light will illuminate on the meter.
When starting the Hybrid System at very
low outside temperatures, the READY light
will flash and it may take longer for the
READY light to illuminate.
● The engine may not start even with the
READY light illuminated. Once the
READY light is illuminated you may begin
driving the vehicle.
● You may hear a soundin the engine com-
partment when the brake pedal is de-
pressed with the Hybrid System off. This
does not indicate a problem.
● When the Hybrid System is started or
stopped, you may hear a sound coming
from the high voltage battery located un-
der the rear seats. This does not indicate
a problem.
● When the Hybrid System is started or
stopped, orwhile thevehicle is idling,you
may hear a sound coming from the trans-
mission. This does not indicate a prob-
● When the gasoline engine is started or
stopped with the Hybrid System on, you
may feel a vibration and hear a rattling
sound. This does not indicate a problem.
4. To turn off the Hybrid System, shift the shift
selector to the P (Park) position and place
the ignition switch to the OFF position.
● Do not attempt to test the vehicle on a
dynamometer (such as the dynamom-
etersused bysome statesfor emissions
testing), or similar equipment. Doing so
may cause damage to the drivetrain or
the high voltage battery. Make sure you
inform test facility personnel that your
vehicle is a hybrid.Using the wrong test
equipmentmay resultin drivetraindam-
age or unexpected vehicle movement
which could result in serious vehicle
damage or personal injury.
● Do not depress the accelerator pedal
while shifting from P (Park) or N (Neu-
tral) to R (Reverse), D (Drive) or B
(Brake). Always depress the brake
pedal until shifting is completed. Fail-
ure to do so could cause you to lose
control and have an accident.
● Never shift to P (Park) or R (Reverse)
while the vehicle is moving. This could
cause an accident.
Starting and driving 5-11