● Thedriver and frontpassenger seat belt
buckles are equipped with sensors that
detectif theseat beltsare fastened.The
Advanced Air Bag System monitors the
severity of a collision and seat belt us-
age then inflates the air bags as
needed. Failure to properly wear seat
belts can increasethe risk or severity of
injury in an accident.
● The front passenger seat is equipped
with an occupant classification sensor
(pattern sensor) that turns the front
passenger air bag OFF under some
conditions. This sensor is only used in
this seat. Failure to be properly seated
and wearing the seat belt can increase
the risk or severity of injury in an acci-
dent. See “Front passenger air bag and
status light”later in this section.
● Keep hands on the outside of the steer-
ing wheel. Placing them inside the
steering wheel rim could increase the
risk that they are injured when the front
air bag inflates.
Safety—Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system 1-37