To shut off the engine in an emergency situation
while driving perform the following procedure:
– Rapidlypushthepush-button ignitionswitch3
consecutive times, or
– Push andhold the push-buttonignition switch
for more than 2 seconds.
This vehicle is equipped with the Tire Pressure
Monitoring System (TPMS). It monitors tire pres-
sure of all tires except the spare. When the low
tire pressure warning light is lit, one or more of
your tires is significantly under-inflated. If the
vehicle is being driven with low tire pressure, the
TPMS will activate and warn you of it by the low
tire pressure warning light. This system will acti-
vate only when the vehicle is driven at speeds
above 16 MPH (25km/h). For more details, refer
to “Warning/indicator lights and audible remind-
ers” in the “Instruments and controls” section,
and “Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS)”
in the “Starting and driving”section.
● If the low tire pressure warning light
illuminates while driving, avoid sudden
steering maneuvers or abrupt braking,
reduce vehicle speed, pull off the road
to a safe location and stop the vehicle
as soonas possible.Driving with under-
inflated tires may permanently damage
the tires and increase the likelihood of
tire failure. Serious vehicle damage
could occur and may lead to an acci-
dent and could result in serious per-
sonal injury. Check the tire pressure for
all four tires. Adjust the tire pressure to
the recommended COLD tire pressure
shown onthe Tireand LoadingInforma-
tion label to turn the low tire pressure
warning light OFF. Ifyou have a flat tire,
replace it with a spare tire as soon as
● Whena sparetire ismounted ora wheel
is replaced, the TPMS will not function
and the low tire pressure warning light
will flash for approximately 1 minute.
The light will remain on after 1 minute.
Contact your NISSAN dealer as soon as
possible for tire replacement and/or
system resetting.
6-2 In case of emergency