
Alternate Command Mode command list
Phone Command:
Dial Number Makesa call toa spoken phonenumber up to 10digits.
Vehicle Phonebook Makes acall to a contactin the vehicle phonebook.
Handset Phonebook Makes a callto a contact inthe handset phonebook.
International Call Makes aninternational call by allowingmore than 10 digitsto be spoken,as well as star(*), pound (#), and plus(+).
Incoming Calls Showsthe last 5 incomingphone calls.
Outgoing Calls Shows thelast 5 outgoing phonecalls.
Missed Calls Shows the last 5missed phone calls.
Navigation Command:
Home Sets aroute to your homethat is stored inthe Address Book.
Address Searches fora location by thestreet address specified, andsets a route(for continental US andCanada only).
Places Sets aroute to a facilitynear the current vehiclelocation.
Address Book Displays thefirst 5 entries ofthe Address Book.
Previous Destinations Sets aroute to a previousdestination.
Previous StartPoint Calculates aroute to your previousstarting point of thelast route.
Minimize FreewayRoute Recalculates aroute to the currentdestination while minimizing freewayusage.
Fastest Route Recalculates aroute to the currentdestination using the fastestestimated time.
Shortest Route Recalculates a routeto the currentdestination using the shortestdistance.
Cancel Route Cancels thecurrent route.
Delete Destination Deletes thecurrent destination.
Birdview Map Changesthe Map displayto Birdview.
Planview Map Changes the Map displayto a 2-dimensionalview.
North Up Changesthe Map display tokeep north pointingup on the screen.
Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-125