The following are approximate capacities. The actual refill capacities may be slightly different. When refilling, follow the procedure
described in the “Maintenance and do-it-yourself”section to determine the proper refill capacity.
Capacity (Approximate) RecommendedFluids and Lubricants
US measure Imp measure Liter
Fuel 20 gal 16-5/8 gal 75.6 Unleaded gasolinewith an octane ratingof at least 87AKI (RON
Engine oil*7
Drain andRefill
With oilfilter change 4-7/8qt 4 qt 4.6
• Engineoil with API CertificationMark *2, *3
• ViscositySAE 0W-20 *2, *3
Without oilfilter
4-1/2 qt 3-3/4 qt 4.3
Cooling system
With reservoir 2gal 1-3/4gal
Pre-diluted GenuineNISSAN Long Life Antifreeze/Coolant(blue) or
Inverter unitcooling system 7/8 gal 3/4 gal 3.2 Pre-diluted GenuineNISSAN Long Life Antifreeze/Coolant(blue) or
Electronically controlledContinuously VariableTransmis-
sion (eCVT)fluid
— — — Genuine NISSANMatic W ATF*4
Brake fluid — — — Genuine NISSANSuper Heavy Duty BrakeFluid *5 orequivalent
Multi-purpose grease — — — NLGI No. 2(Lithium Soap base)
Air conditioningsystem refrigerant — — — HFC-134a (R-134a) *6
Air conditioningsystem oil — — — Compressor oilND OIL-11 *6
Windshield-washer fluid — — — Genuine NISSANWindshield WasherConcentrate Cleaner & Anti-
freeze orequivalent
*1: Forfurther details, see “Fuelrecommendation”in this section.
*2: Forfurther details, see “Engineoil and oil filterrecommendations”in this section.
*3: SAE5W-20 or 5W-30 engineoil may also beused. However, SAE0W-20 is the bestchoice for optimumfuel economy and optimumstarting in coldweather.
*4: Use only Genuine NISSAN Matic W ATF. Using transaxle fluid other than Genuine NISSAN Matic W ATF will damage the eCVT.
*5: Availablein mainland USA throughyour NISSAN dealer.
*6: Forfurther details, see “Airconditioner system refrigerant andoil recommendations”in this section.
*7: Forfurther details, see “EngineOil”in the “Maintenanceand do-it-yourself”section of thismanual.
9-2 Technical and consumer information