Dimension ES-3024 Ethernet Switch
Statistics 19-11
Table 19-7 Port Details
and 1518 octets in length.
>1518 This field shows the number of frames (including bad frames) transmitted that were greater than
1518 octets in length.
Multicast This field shows the number of good multicast frames received.
Broadcast This field shows the number of good broadcast frames received.
Pause This field shows the number of 802.3x Pause frames received.
Tagged This field shows the number of frames with VLAN tags received.
Control This field shows the number of control received (including those with CRC error) but it does not
include the 802.3x Pause frames.
TX Collision The following fields display information on collisions while transmitting.
Single This is a count of successfully transmitted frames for which transmission is inhibited by exactly
one collision.
Multiple This is a count of successfully transmitted frames for which transmission was inhibited by more
than one collision.
Excessive This is a count of frames for which transmission failed due to excessive collisions. Excessive
collision is defined as the number of maximum collisions before the retransmission count is
Late This is the number of times a late collision is detected, that is, after 512 bits of the frame have
already been transmitted.
Error Packet The following fields display detailed information about frames received that were in error.
RX CRC This field shows the number of frames received with CRC (Cyclic Redundant Check) error(s).
Length This field shows the number of frames received with a length that was out of range.
Alignment This field shows the number of frames received of proper size but with CRC error(s) and a non-
integral number of octets.
Runt This field shows the number of frames received that were too short (shorter than 64 octets),
including the ones with CRC errors.
Dropped Packet The following filed indicates why frames were dropped.
Giant This field shows the number of frames dropped because they were bigger than the maximum
frame size.
Poll Interval(s) The text box displays how often (in seconds) this screen refreshes. You may change the refresh
interval by typing a new number in the text box and then clicking Set Interval.
Stop Click Stop to stop port statistic polling.
Clear Counter Click this button to erase the recorded statistical information for this port.