Dimension ES-3024 Ethernet Switch
23-6 IEEE 802.1Q Tagged VLAN
<all|tagged> =
Specifies all Ethernet frames (tagged and untagged) or only tagged
Ethernet frames.
This command sets the specified port to accept all Ethernet frames or only those with an IEEE 802.1Q VLAN tag.
The following example sets port 2 to accept only tagged frames.
Figure 23-9 VLAN1Q Port Accept Command Example
23.4.9 VLAN1Q Port GVRP Command
ras> sys sw vlan1q port gvrp <port> <enable|disable>
<port> =
A port number
<enable|disable> =
Turn GVRP on or off.
This command turns GVRP on or off for the specified port.
The following example turns off GVRP for port 2.
Figure 23-10 VLAN1Q Port GVRP Command Example
23.4.10 VLAN1Q SVLAN CPU Command
ras> sys sw vlan1q svlan cpu <VLAN ID>
<VID> =
The VLAN ID. Valid parameter range = [1 – 4094].
This command sets the management VLAN (CPU). You can only use ports that are members of this management
VLAN in order to manage the switch.
The following example sets VLAN ID 2 to be the CPU (management) VLAN.
Figure 23-11 VLAN1Q Port GVRP Command Example
ras> sys sw vlan1q port accept 2 tagged
ras> sys sw vlan1q port gvrp 2 disable
ras> sys sw vlan1q svlan cpu 2