Dimension ES-3024 Ethernet Switch
Commands Introduction 21-1
Chapter 21
This chapter introduces line commands and gives a summary of commands available.
21.1 Command Line Interface Overview
In addition to the web configurator, you can use line commands to configure the switch. It is recommended that
you use the web configurator for everyday management of the switch and that you use line commands for
advanced switch diagnosis and troubleshooting. If you have problems with your switch, customer support may
request that you issue some of these commands to assist them in troubleshooting.
You can use the “config save” command to save tagged IEEE 802.1Q VLAN and STP commands
in non-volatile memory (Flash) but all other line command configurations are saved in volatile
memory (DRAM) only, so are not effective after you restart the switch!
Telnet to the switch or connect a computer to the console port and use terminal emulation software configured to
the following parameters:
VT100 terminal emulation 9600 bps
No parity, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit No flow control
21.1.1 Command Conventions
The system uses a one-level command structure. You must type the full command every time, as follows.> <command>
For instance, the following example shows how to enable GVRP.> sys sw gvrp enable
The conventions for typing in most CI commands are shown next.
command <interface|device> subcommand [parameter]
command subcommand [parameter]
21.1.2 Command Syntax Conventions
1. Command keywords are in courier new font.
2. The | symbol means “or”.
3. Required fields in a command are enclosed in angle brackets <>. Use the following command to turn the
system monitor on or off.