Dimension ES-3024 Ethernet Switch
IEEE 802.1Q Tagged VLAN 23-7
23.4.11 VLAN1Q SVLAN Setentry Command
ras> sys sw vlan1q svlan setentry <name> <VID> <port> <adctl>
<name> =
A name to identify the SVLAN entry.
<VID> =
The VLAN ID [1 – 4094].
<port> =
This is the switch port number.
<adctl> =
This is the registrar administration control flag.
Valid parameters = [
fixed, forbidden, normal].
fixed to register a <port #> to the static VLAN table with <vid>.
normal to confirm registration of the <port #> to the static VLAN
table with <vid>.
forbidden to block a <port #> from joining the static VLAN table
with <vid>.
<tagctl> =
This is the tag control flag. Valid parameters = [
tag to tag outgoing frames.
untag to send outgoing frames without a tag.
This command adds or modifies an entry in the static VLAN table. Display your configuration by using the
sw vlan1q
svlan list command. An example of a configuration is shown next.
Modify a Static VLAN Table Example
The following is an example of how to modify a static VLAN table.
Figure 23-12 Modifying the Static VLAN Example
Forwarding Process Example
Tagged Frames
Step 1. First the switch checks the VLAN ID (VID) of tagged frames or assigns temporary VIDs to untagged
frames (see 23.4.7).
Step 2. The switch then checks the VID in a frame’s tag against the SVLAN table.
Step 3. The switch notes what the SVLAN table says (that is, the SVLAN tells the switch whether or not to
forward a frame and if the forwarded frames should have tags).
1. ras> sys sw vlan1q svlan setentry 2000 1 fixed tag
2. ras> sys sw vlan1q svlan setentry 2001 2 fixed tag