Dimension ES-3024 Ethernet Switch
IEEE 802.1Q Tagged VLAN 23-9
ras> sys sw vlan1q svlan list
This command shows the IEEE 802.1Q Tagged SVLAN (Static VLAN) table.
An example is shown next.
For the
AdCtl section of the last column, “-“ is a port set to normal, “x” is a forbidden port and “F” is a fixed port.
For the
TagCtl section of the last column, “T“ is a tagged port, “U” is an untagged port.
Figure 23-14 VLAN1Q SVLAN List Command
23.8 VLAN1Q VLAN List Command
ras> sys sw vlan1q vlan list <all|VID|start_VID|end_VID>
Specify either all of the VLAN entries (
all), a single VLAN ID (VID) or a
range of VLAN IDs starting from a certain VID (
start_VID) or a range of
VLAN Ids ending at a specific VID (
This command shows the current IEEE 802.1Q Tagged VLAN table or a specific part of it.
An example is shown next.
For the
EgressPort section of the last column, “E” is an egress port for this VLAN, “-“ is not an egress port for
this VLAN.
UntaggedPort section of the last column displays “-“ for a tagged port and “U” for an untagged port.
Figure 23-15 VLAN1Q SVLAN List Command
23.8.1 VLAN Status Command
ras> sys sw vlan1q svlan list
802.1Q VLAN Static Entry:
idx. Name VID Active AdCtl / TagCtl
---- ------------ ---- -------- ------------------------
0 1 1 active ------------------------FFFF
ras> sys sw vlan1q vlan list all
No. VID ElapsedTime Status EgressPort/UntaggedPort
------ ---- ----------- ------ --------------------------------
1) 1 51:30:02 Static ----E|EEE--|-----|-EEEE|EEEEE|EEE