Dimension ES-3024 Ethernet Switch
12-2 Bandwidth Control Setup
Table 12-1 Bandwidth Control Setup
Max. Bandwidth
This field displays the maximum bandwidth allowed in kilobits per second for this traffic
Source MAC
This field displays the source MAC address in hexadecimal format. All Entries means
all MAC addresses.
Source Port This field displays the Ethernet port number from which packets are transmitted. You
may choose one port only or all ports.
Destination MAC
This field displays the destination. MAC address in hexadecimal format. All Entries
means all MAC addresses.
Destination Port This field displays the Ethernet port number to which packets are sent. You may
choose one port only or all ports.
Delete To delete a rule, select its checkbox in this column and then click the Delete button.
Add To add a rule, click this button.
Delete To delete a rule, select its checkbox in the Delete column and then click this Delete
Cancel Click Cancel to begin configuring this screen afresh.
12.2 Configuring or Editing a Bandwidth Control Rule
Click Add to configure a new rule or click an index number to edit an existing Bandwidth Control setup rule.
Either way, a screen as shown next is displayed.