Chapter 21 QoS
MES-2110 User’s Guide
handle. Queues with larger weights get more service than queues with smaller
weights. This queuing mechanism is highly efficient in that it divides any available
bandwidth across the different traffic queues and returns to queues that have not
yet emptied.
21.2.1 Configuring the Base Configuration Screen
Use this screen to configure queuing settings on the MES-2110. Click
Configuration > QoS Menu > Base Configuration to open the following
Figure 75 Configuration > QoS Menu > Base Configuration
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Table 60 Configuration > QoS Menu > Base Configuration
QoS Base Configuration
Schedule Mode Select all high before low or weighted round robin.
All high before low queues based on priority only. When the
highest priority queue empties, traffic on the next highest-priority
queue begins. Q7 has the highest priority and Q0 the lowest.
Weighted Round Robin Scheduling services queues on a rotating
basis based on their queue weight. Queues with larger weights
get more service than queues with smaller weights.