Chapter 23 Command Line Interface
MES-2110 User’s Guide
storm-control broadcast-limit [cr |
<low|medium|high> <rate>]
Sets the broadcast storm control for the current
cr: Enter nothing for this field and just press
[Enter] to enable broadcast packet limits on the
current port(s).
low: 64K~960K (64..960) in 64k steps.
medium: 1~100M (1..100) in 1M steps.
high: 100~1000M (110..1000) in 10M steps.
storm-control multicast-limit [cr |
<low|medium|high> <rate>]
Sets the multicast storm control for the current
cr: Enter nothing for this field and just press
[Enter] to enable multicast packet limits on the
current port(s).
low: 64K~960K (64..960) in 64k steps.
medium: 1~100M (1..100) in 1M steps.
high: 100~1000M (110..1000) in 10M steps.
storm-control dlf [cr |<low|medium|high>
Sets the DLF storm control for the current
cr: Enter nothing for this field and just press
[Enter] to enable DLF packet limits on the
current port(s).
low: 64K~960K (64..960) in 64k steps.
medium: 1~100M (1..100) in 1M steps.
high: 100~1000M (110..1000) in 10M steps.
vid-pri-overide <enable|disable> Enables or disables the VLAN ID priority override
for the current port(s).
vlan-stacking role <normal|access|tunnel> Sets the VLAN stacking port roles of the current
normal: The device ignores frames received (or
transmitted) on this port with VLAN stacking
access: The device adds the SP TPID tag to all
incoming frames received on this port.
tunnel: Use this for egress ports at the edge of
the service provider's network.
Note: In order to support VLAN stacking on a
port, the port must allow frames of 1526
bytes (1522 bytes + 4 bytes for the
second tag) to pass through it.
Table 83 Interface Mode Commands