
Chapter 23 Command Line Interface
MES-2110 User’s Guide
Note: These commands only apply to the ports specified when you enter Interface
Configuration mode.
Table 83 Interface Mode Commands
interface port-channel <port-list> Enters Interface Configuration mode for the
specified port(s).
abnormal-detection-enable Enables port detection for the current port(s).
active Enables the current port(s).
arp-inspection-trust Enables ARP inspection trust for the current
port(s). When enabled, the device does not
discard ARP packets on trusted ports.
auto-negotiation Enables auto-negotiation for the current port(s).
bandwidth-limit egress <cr>|
<low|medium|high> <rate>
Sets the egress rate for the current port(s).
cr: Press [ENTER] without entering any other
parameters to enable egress bandwidth control
on the current port(s).
low: 64K~960K (64..960) in 64k steps.
medium: 1~100M (1..100) in 1M steps.
high: 100~1000M (110..1000) in 10M steps.
bandwidth-limit ingress <low|medium|high>
Sets the ingress rate for the current port(s).
cr: Press [ENTER] without entering any other
parameters to enable egress bandwidth control
on the current port(s).
low: 64K~960K (64..960) in 64k steps.
medium: 1~100M (1..100) in 1M steps.
high: 100~1000M (110..1000) in 10M steps.
bpdu-mode <on|off|tunnel> Sets the BPDU packet process mode for the
current port(s).
da-pri-override <enable|disable> Sets the destination MAC priority override for the
current port(s).
dhcp snooping trust Sets DHCP snooping trust for the current port(s).
Trusted ports are connected to DHCP servers or
other switches, and the device discards DHCP
packets from trusted ports only if the rate at
which DHCP packets arrive is too high.
egress-set <port-list> Sets the outgoing traffic port list for a port-base
VLAN for the current port(s).
flow-control Enables interface flow control for the current