Chapter 25 Product Specifications
MES-2110 User’s Guide
Table 85 Firmware Specifications
Default IP Address
Default Subnet Mask (24 bits)
Administrator User
Default Password 1234
Number of Login
Accounts Configurable
on the Switch
5 accounts configured on the MES-2110.
VLAN A VLAN (Virtual Local Area Network) allows a physical network
to be partitioned into multiple logical networks. Devices on a
logical network belong to one group. A device can belong to
more than one group. With VLAN, a device cannot directly talk
to or hear from devices that are not in the same group(s); the
traffic must first go through a router.
VLAN Stacking Use VLAN stacking to add an outer VLAN tag to the inner IEEE
802.1Q tagged frames that enter the network. By tagging the
tagged frames (“double-tagged” frames), the service provider
can manage up to 4,094 VLAN groups with each group
containing up to 4,094 customer VLANs. This allows a service
provider to provide different service, based on specific VLANs,
for many different customers.
MAC Address Filter Filter traffic based on the source and/or destination MAC
IGMP Snooping The MES-2110 supports IGMP snooping, enabling group
multicast traffic to be only forwarded to ports that are
members of that group; thus allowing you to significantly
reduce multicast traffic passing through your MES-2110.
QoS Queuing is used to help solve performance degradation when
there is network congestion. The following scheduling services
are supported: weighted round robin and all high before low
queuing. This allows the MES-2110 to maintain separate
queues for frames from each individual source or flow and
prevent a source from monopolizing the bandwidth.
Bandwidth Control Bandwidth control means defining a maximum allowable
bandwidth for incoming and/or out-going traffic flows on a port.
Broadcast Storm Control The device supports per port TCP/IP ingress rate limiting along
with independent storm prevention.
Port Mirroring Port mirroring allows you to copy traffic going from one or all
ports to another or all ports in order that you can examine the
traffic from the mirror port (the port you copy the traffic to)
without interference.