Chapter 23 Command Line Interface
MES-2110 User’s Guide
23.8 MVR Mode
This is an ancillary mode of Configuration mode. You must be in Configuration
mode for these commands to work.
When in MVR-Configuration mode, the command prompt is as follows:
The following is a list of available MVR-Configuration mode commands:
Note: These commands only apply to the MVR ID specified when you enter MVR-
Configuration mode.
Table 81 MVR-Configuration Mode Commands
mvr <1-4094> Enters MVR (multicast VLAN relay) configuration
mode for the specified MVR, creating the MVR if
Note: You must be in Configuration mode for
this command to work.
group <group-id> <start-address> <n> Sets the multicast group range for the current
MVR group.
group-id: Enter 1-255 characters for the group
start-address: Enter the start IP address for
the multicast range of this group.
n: Enter the number of additional addresses to
generate based on the start address for the
multicast range of this group.
inactive Disables the MVR settings for the current MVR
no inactive Enables the ‘no’ settings for the current MVR
no receiver-port <port-list> Disables the receiver port(s) for the current MVR
no source-port <port-list> Disables the source port(s) for the current MVR
no tagged <port-list> Sets the untag port numbers for the current MVR
no group <cr|group-id> Removes all or specified MVR group settings for
the current MVR group.
cr: Leave this field blank and press [Enter].
group-id: Enter the group ID to remove.