
Chapter 23 Command Line Interface
MES-2110 User’s Guide
lacp port <port> <active|passive> Sets the LACP port state to active or passive.
lacp priority <0-65535> Sets the system priority for LACP.
lacp restart Stores the LACP configurations and then restarts
lacp trunk <group number> member <port num>
<port num> <port num> ...
Sets the trunk control configuration.
logins Modifies the login account.
This prompts you to enter the old username and
password; to create a new username and
password; then set the login account’s read/
writer permissions.
loop detection <enable|disable> Enables or disables loop detection.
loop mac <mac-address> Sets the loop detection test frame MAC address.
loop port <id> <enable|disable> Enables or disables individual port loop
mac-aging-time <1-255> Sets the MAC aging time configuration. The
default is 19 (which converts to 304 seconds).
To determine the number of seconds, multiply
the MAC aging time value you enter by 16.
mac-filter add-allow-mac <mac-address>
<port id> <priority> <override-
Sets the static unicast MAC configuration.
mac-filter add-deny-mac <mac-address> Adds a specified MAC address to the deny MAC
mac-filter delete <mac-address> Deletes a static unicast MAC configuration.
mac-limit <enable|disable> Enables or disables MAC-limit configuration.
mirror mode <all|disable> Sets the mirror mode.
mirror monitoring-port <port-id> Sets the mirror monitoring port.
netmask <netmask> Sets the netmask.
no arp inspection enable Disables ARP inspection.
no arp inspection mac-filter <mac-address> Deletes the specified MAC address from the ARP
inspection filter.
no arp inspection vlan <1-4094> Disables ARP inspection on the specified VLAN.
no dhcp client Disables the DHCP client.
no dhcp binding mac <mac-address> Deletes the DHCP snooping static binding table
by MAC address.
no dhcp binding ip <ip-address> Deletes the DHCP snooping static binding table
by IP address.
no dhcp binding port <port-id> Deletes the DHCP snooping static binding table
by port.
no dhcp binding vid <vlan-id> Deletes the DHCP snooping static binding table
no dhcp smart-relay enable Disables DHCP smart relay.
Table 80 Configuration Mode Commands