Chapter 22 Mgmt Config and System Restart Menu
MES-2110 User’s Guide
SNMP itself is a simple request/response protocol based on the manager/agent
model. The manager issues a request and the agent returns responses using the
following protocol operations:
22.3.1 The SNMP Communities Screen
Use this screen to configure the SNMP communities. Click Mgmt Config > SNMP
Config > SNMP Communities to open the following screen.
Figure 82 Mgmt Config > SNMP Config > SNMP Communities
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
22.3.2 The IP Trap Manager Screen
An IP trap manager receives authentication failure messages or other trap
messages about the MES-2110’s activities. The MES-2110 supports up to five trap
Table 65 SNMP Commands
Get Allows the manager to retrieve an object variable from the agent.
GetNext Allows the manager to retrieve the next object variable from a table or list
within an agent. In SNMPv1, when a manager wants to retrieve all
elements of a table from an agent, it initiates a Get operation, followed by a
series of GetNext operations.
Set Allows the manager to set values for object variables within an agent.
Trap Used by the agent to inform the manager of some events.
Table 66 Mgmt Config > SNMP Config > SNMP Communities
GET Enter the Get community string, which is the password for the
incoming Get- and GetNext- requests from the management
SET Enter the Set community string, which is the password for
incoming Set- requests from the management station.
Undo Click this to restore your last saved settings.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes to the ZyXEL Device’s run-time
memory. The ZyXEL Device loses these changes if it is turned off
or loses power, so use the Save Settings link in the navigation
panel to save your changes to the non-volatile memory.